Study on Neptunium Control in Co-decontamination Step of Purex Process and the Extraction of New Extractant Amido Podand Purex流程中镎在1A槽的走向控制和新型萃取剂酰胺荚醚的萃取热力学及应用研究
The study of an annular pulsed column with baffle plate used as the 1A contacter in Purex Process 折流板环形脉冲柱用作Purex工艺1A接触器研究
Presently the Purex process is widely used in the commercial reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. 目前在乏燃料后处理工艺中普遍采取的是Purex流程。
Therefore, the research and development of simple, economical, and effective salt-free organic reducing agents will be beneficial to the improvement of the Purex process. 因此,简单、经济、高效无盐试剂的开发,将会大大推动Purex流程的发展。
Steady-state Calculation and Analysis for Uranium and Acid Distribution Profile in U/ Pu Separation Stage of Purex Process 稳态计算法分析Purex流程中U/Pu分离工艺铀酸分布
Review on the Study and Application of Organic Salt-free Reagent in Purex Process Purex流程中有机无盐试剂的应用分析
Using of new salt free reagent acetohydroxamic acid to separate Np from U in Purex process has been studied. 研究了新型无盐试剂乙异羟肟酸在Purex流程Np/U分离中的应用。
Application of Hybrid K-edge/ X-ray Fluorescence Densitometer in Purex Process K边界技术在Purex流程中的应用
Causes of crud formation in purex process and its harmful effect on plant operation are de-scribed and discussed in some detail. 较详细地叙述和讨论了普雷克斯流程中界面污物生成的原因和在工厂运行中的危害。
The discussion of behavior of some important elements in Purex Process 普雷克斯(PUREX)水法后处理中几种重要元素行为的理论探讨
Study on Separation of Np from U by Acetohydroxamic Acid in Purex Process 乙异羟肟酸用于Purex流程中Np/U的分离
Therefore, acetaldoxime can be used as the reductant for the separation of U and Pu in the Purex process of spent fuel without adding any other stabiliser, since it can scavenge HNO_2 completely by itself. Support? 在乏燃料后处理中,当以乙醛肟作为U、Pu分离的还原剂时,其本身又可作为亚硝酸清扫剂,此时,无需另加支持还原剂。
The thesis focuses on the study of the reactions of hydroxyurea ( HU), a novel salt free agent, with uranium, neptunium and plutonium in order to investigate the possibilities of its application in the Purex process ( 1B) for uranium and plutonium separation. 本论文重点研究了一种新型无盐试剂&羟基脲(HU)与铀、镎、钚相互作用的化学,旨在研究这种新型无盐试剂在Purex流程铀、钚分离段(1B)中应用的可能性。
With HU serves as a reductant, 16 stages count-current cascade experiment was performed using centrifugal tube to simulate U/ Pu separation in the 1B contactor of Purex process. 以HU作Pu(Ⅳ)的还原剂,用离心试管模拟了Purex流程1B槽中的U/Pu分离,进行了16级逆流串级实验。
The behaviour of iodine in the Purex solvent extraction process 普雷克斯溶剂萃取过程中碘的行为
A Computer Program Based on Quasi Newton Arithmetic for the Simulation of Purex Process 基于拟Newton算法的Purex流程计算机模拟程序
The main goal of this study is to offer dynamical characteristics for the design of the control system for 1A mixer-settler of Purex process. 本文的研究目的是为Purex流程1A萃取槽(混合澄清槽)的控制系统设计提供控制对象的动态特性。
The behavior and control of neptunium in Purex Process Purex过程中镎的行为与控制
Study on the radiolysis of solvent used in Purex Process under the strong irradiation condition ⅱ. study of the formation of monoalkyl long chain acidic phosphate formed in irradiated tbp-n-dodecane system 强辐照场下Purex过程溶剂的辐解研究Ⅱ.TBP-正十二烷体系辐解生成强络合剂单烷基长链酸性磷酸酯的研究
Trend of Tc in 1A Extractor of Purex Process 锝在Purex流程共去污段(1A槽)的走向
The behaviour of tritium in purex process is reported. 研究了氚在Purex流程中的行为。
Study on the behaviour of tritium in Purex Process Purex流程中氚的行为研究
Usually the Purex process can be improved by simplifying the working process, optimizing equipment, and utilizing salt-free organic reducing agents etc. 通常Purex流程的改善可以通过简化流程、改进设备和采用新型无盐试剂等来实现。
Study on the trend of technetium and influence factors in Purex Process Purex流程中Tc的走向及其影响因素的研究